Create a Custom Scheduled Job
From OpenCms Wiki
A scheduled job is a bit of code that is run on a regular basis by OpenCms. You can create custom scheduled jobs by creating a java class that implements I_CmsScheduledJob. OpenCms itself comes with some classes that do so, like CmsPublishJob.
Then you add your Java class to OpenCms. You can either create a jar file, or a class file. Then you add them to your OpenCms installation - your options are on the Adding_Jar_Files page.
Follows an example of a JSP that gets its parameters from request and does the scheduling, found at this Nabble thread [1]:
<%@page import="org.opencms.main.*, org.opencms.scheduler.*, org.opencms.file.*, org.opencms.jsp.*, java.util.* "%> <% CmsScheduledJobInfo csji = new CmsScheduledJobInfo(); CmsScheduleManager csm = OpenCms.getScheduleManager(); CmsJspBean cjb = new CmsJspBean(); cjb.init(pageContext,request,response); CmsObject cmsObj = cjb.getCmsObject(); CmsContextInfo cci = new CmsContextInfo(cjb.getRequestContext()); csji.setCronExpression("0 0/1 * * * ?"); csji.setClassName(""); csji.setActive(true); csji.setContextInfo(cci); csji.setJobName("boletin"); SortedMap parametros = new TreeMap(); parametros.put("request",request); parametros.put("response",response); csji.setParameters(parametros); csm.initialize(cmsObj); csm.scheduleJob(cmsObj,csji); %>