JBPM integration module
- Copied from this post: http://mail.opencms.org/pipermail/opencms-dev/2006q4/026340.html
You can download the module from here
Here is the release notes:
This module can be used in OpenCms 6.2.x.
Tested in Fedora 4 + Tomcat 5.5.17 + MySQL 4.1.11 + OpenCms 6.2.1.
Contents |
Import the osworkflow module into OpenCMS
Please check whether the following jars are ready in /system/modules/cn.langhua.osworkflow/lib/, if not, you can find them in osworkflow download:
- bsh-1.2b7.jar
- jaxen-1.1-beta-5.jar
- jdom-1.0.jar
- oscore-2.2.5.jar
- osuser-1.0-dev-2Feb05.jar
- osworkflow-3.0-dev.jar (built from osworkflow-2.8.0 source)
- propertyset-1.4.jar
- stax-1.1.2-dev.jar
- stax-api-1.0.jar
- wsdl4j-1.4.jar
- xfire-aegis.jar
- xfire-core.jar
- osworkflow-opencms_1.0.0.jar (built from opencms-osworkflow source)
Add datasource jdbc/OsWorkflowDS28
Add datasource jdbc/OsWorkflowDS28 in context element in context.xml, for example:
<Resource name="jdbc/OsWorkflowDS28" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="10" maxIdle="3" maxWait="2000" username="username" password="password" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/osworkflow28?autoReconnect=true"/>
There are 3 module parameters: database, username, and password.
database: if database=mysql, then you can run the script in /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.osworkflow/db/osworkflow/mysql/createtables.sql and droptables.sql to create and drop MySQL OSWorkflow tables. For other databases, please put the right script files at the right place accordingly.
username and password: A user of Administrators group who can login OpenCms and create osworkflow project and publish resources when necessarily.
Create OSWorkflow tables
Restart Tomcat
Test your installation: Click /system/modules/cn.langhua.osworkflow/osworkflow-2.8.0-example/default.jsp. You may run the example successfully. If not, check the installation steps above.
Usage: Start and run an osworkflow instance in administration view.
Source code: You can get the source code from sourceforge.net: svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opencms-oswf
Changes: 1. Use project to represent a set of resources. 2. Add OSWorkflow permission checks in org.opencms.file.types.A_CmsResourceType.java. So the new permission check order for an existing resource is OSWorkflow permission check and OpenCms permission check.
Thanks: Thanks to Political Department of China Armed Police Headquarter who sponsed the 1st version of this module!
PS: The new release of jBPM-OpenCms module may delay one week because of hard disk failure of my notebook.