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jBPM-OpenCms is an OpenCMS module which integrates jBPM workflow engine. It is released by Beijing Langhua Ltd under LGPL licence. Dalian Commodity Exchange and MFG.com kindly sponsored this release.

According to the developer, the latest version is tested in Fedora Core 9, Sun JDK 1.6, OpenCms 7.0.3 and jBPM 3.1.2.

The module setup requires a "performance" module by the same company, that substitue classes from org.opencms.db packages and other similar core files to address several performance improvements that the company found useful.

An overview of the installation process is:

  1. Import the jBPM-OpenCms module in your Administration view.
  2. Config datasource by editing /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.jbpm/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml.
  3. Add jBPM servlets to web.xml (see /system/modules/cn.langhua.opencms.jbpm/docs/web.xml).
  4. Add jbpm_cms.tld in WEB-INF folder.
  5. Add <mimetype extension=".process" type="application/zip" /> in the <mimetypes> of <opencms-vfs.xml>
  6. Restart servlet container.
  7. Create jBPM database tables.

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